Meet Our Staff
Linda - Manager/Senco/Child Protection. Level 4
Dawn - Manager/Senco/Child Protection. Level 3
Julie - Deputy Manager/ Designated Safeguarding Lead. Level 3
Amy - Deputy Manager/ Designated Safeguarding Lead. Level 3
Olivia - Assistant/ Equality Named Coordinator. Level 3
Sara - Assistant. Level 3
Louisa - Assistant. Level 3
Sue - Assistant/Fire Officer/Health & Safety Officer. Level 3
We are proud of the high ratio of adults to children in our group. This ensures that the needs and development of each child is met.
Every child will be assigned a key person (member of staff) upon joining the group.
All staff have participated in many areas of childcare training and are constantly in touch with new thinking in the field of child education and care. In addition, on-going training courses are attended by all staff regularly, including first aid, health and safety, understanding autism, safeguarding, Equality and behavior management.
All staff have current DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificates.