Here is some important information for parents to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for both you and your child.


We use Tapestry, an online learning journal, to document your child's progress and share their achievements with you. You will receive a secure login to access these updates and stay connected with us. We encourage you to regularly check your child's online journal and upload activities or achievements they have experienced at home so we can discuss it and continue the learning with them at pre-school. At Little Friends we love working alongside our parents to enhance the children's learning and development. 

What to Wear/Uniform

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes that are easily washable or not too new.  It is good for children to practice the skills that will make them independent.  Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being too dependent on assistance.

We do have a small amount of spare clothes so that we can change your child if necessary. However, if your child still wears nappies, then we do request that you send in nappies and wipes to enable us to change them should they need it. It's useful to provide your child with spare nappies/underwear and clothes in a small drawstring bag that can fit on their peg.


Pre-school uniform is available for your children should you wish to purchase it. Ask a member of staff if you are interested. 

Little Friends Polo T-shirt- £7.50

Little Friends Sweatshirt- £9.00

Little Friends Drawstring Bag- £4.00

Complete set- £19.50


We provide the children with either milk or water at snack time together with a healthy snack. A snack menu will be provided each week on the notice board at the gate.

Should your child have any allergies or special dietary requirements please ensure they are noted clearly on your registration form. It's important to keep us updated of any changes to your child's dietary requirements. 


Change of Circumstances

If there are any changes in your contact details, your child's health, or any other circumstances that may affect their time with us, please inform us promptly. Your child's safety and well-being are our top priorities. Any information regarding changes of circumstances i.e. the arrival of a new baby, parent’s separation; moving house etc. would be appreciated to enable us to understand your child’s emotional needs.

Password for Security

We take the security of your child very seriously. A password must be entered on the registration form. If your child is going to be collected by someone else, the password must be given at the gate by the person collecting your child. It's useful to inform us at drop off if someone else will be picking up. 

Drop off and Collection

Please try to arrive promptly at the beginning of the session in order for us to settle the children for registration. We encourage you to say goodbye to your child at the gate.

When collecting your child please wait outside the gate, your child will be called by a member of staff and let out on an individual basis.

Please try to arrive promptly as it can be very upsetting for your child to be kept waiting! (Please see uncollected child policy).

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